VS Forte HP Placenta, a sophisticated formula that harnesses the beneficial properties of placenta extract, enriched with a variety of bioactive peptides, growth factors, cytokines, and essential regulatory molecules. At its heart lies a unique infusion of multipotent stem cells, renowned for their remarkable ability to regenerate and rejuvenate.
Our placenta-based treatment is scientifically proven to enhance wound healing by boosting cell growth, movement, and modulation. Its unique blend also taps into a rich store of stem cell components, offering incredible anti-ageing benefits and promoting cellular renewal.
Biological and Clinical Aplications of Placental Extracts
Soothes Inflammation
Ground-breaking research by Sur and colleagues in 2003 revealed that placental extracts can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling in animal models, showcasing its potent anti-inflammatory properties.
Promotes hair growth
Kwon and colleagues (2015) tested placenta extracts on hair growth in lab mice. Their findings revealed that the extract significantly boosted the effect of minoxidil, a well-known hair growth treatment, increasing both the number and size of hair follicles, pointing to its potential as a remedy for baldness in humans.
Accelerates the healing of wounds and burns
Historically used in traditional medicine for treating burns and wounds, placental extracts have been scientifically shown to be effective. Hong et al. (2010) used a mice model to demonstrate this by creating a full-thickness skin defect and applying placental extracts. The treated group showed a significant reduction in wound size, supported by the increased activity of growth factors like TGF-β and VEGF that aid in cell proliferation and tissue re-modelling.
Inhibits bacterial and fungal growth
Placental extracts are a treasure trove of essential nutrients, including amino acids, proteins, hormones, glycosaminoglycans, nucleic acids, and polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNS), and have been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya (2005) found that these extracts could effectively suppress the growth of bacteria like E. coli and S. aureus, as well as fungi such as S. cerevisae, K. fragilis, and C. albicans.
Enhances health of elderly people
Kong and Park (2012) conducted a study on the effects of placental extracts on the health of elderly people. Participants more than 65 years old were randomly categorized into a placebo group and a treatment group, where they either received subcutaneous placental extracts or normal saline for a period of eight weeks. Their research showed that treatments significantly improved physical function, sexual life, and overall health perception compared to those in the placebo group – demonstrating that a placental extract regimen could improve the health of people who are of more advanced age.
Alleviates chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a subjective feeling of emptiness and lack of power that affects daily life or after work for a period of more than six months. Symptoms include memory and concentration difficulties, malaise, sore throat, muscle aches, joint pain, sleep disturbances, and headache. This study examines placental extract’s effectiveness in treating chronic fatigue in 78 subjects randomly assigned to either a control or experimental group. Subjects are either treated with placental extracts or normal saline for six weeks. Results showed that the experimental group with subcutaneous injection of placental extracts effectively improved chronic fatigue syndrome.
Relieves pain
A study by Cho and Park in 2014 explored the relief of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) using placenta extract injections at specific acupuncture points. CRPS, a disorder marked by inflammation, causes spontaneous pain, swelling, changes in skin color, and limited movement. The study’s findings were remarkable: two patients experienced significant improvements after receiving placental extract injections into acupuncture points BL23, BL24, BL25, and LR4, showing complete relief from pain, reduced swelling, fading redness, and restored joint mobility.
Aids in treatment of varicose ulcers
In a study conducted by Burgos, Herd, and Bennett in 1989, 18 patients with chronic varicose ulcers were treated with growth factors derived from placentas. Patients were randomly assigned to receive dressings either with or without these growth factors for 48 hours. The results indicated significant healing benefits: those treated with placental growth factors showed enhanced development of epithelial and granulation tissues, speeding up the healing process of their ulcers.
Efficacy and Safety of HP Placenta
Numerous clinical studies and research projects have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of placental therapy. HP Placenta is recognised as a safe therapeutic agent capable of rejuvenating, regenerating, and revitalising cells, tissues, and organs throughout the human body.
Benefits of HP Placenta
Regenerates cells, tissues and organs
Increases flexibility in joints and discs
Boosts the body’s immune system
Sharpens alertness and mental clarity
Improves skin elasticity, thickness, and texture
Helps regulate sleep patterns
Enhances blood flow and circulation
Boosts energy levels and stamina
Improves sexual health and satisfaction
Alleviates constipation
Reduces pre-menstrual tension and related feminine problems
Manages menopause symptoms
Helps stabilise weight to normal levels
Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Reduces heart disease risk
Relieves chronic disease symptoms
Increases vigour
Improvement of Chronic Skin Dermatitis by HP Placenta
60 year old female diagnosed with chronic dermatitis and secondary infection, showed significant skin improvement after receiving one dosage of HP Placenta.
Male patient diagnosed with chronic dermatitis showed significant skin improvement after administration of HP Placenta.
Available in a set of:
330mg 10 vials x 2.5ml
500mg 10 vials x 4ml
Storage (°C)
+4°C to +16°C. Keep in a cool, dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat.
General Protocol Intramuscular
2 to 3 times per week for 3-4 months. If necessary, can be administered daily for two to three weeks depending on the patient’s individual health.
Contraindications Not suitable for those with the following conditions: Any fibroids, lesions, polyps, cysts, contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers; and anyone who has severe allergic to animal protein.
Note: Use under the recommended protocol by a professional physician only.
HP Placenta
HP Placenta
Created by Nature,
Purified by Science.
VS Forte HP Placenta, a sophisticated formula that harnesses the beneficial properties of placenta extract, enriched with a variety of bioactive peptides, growth factors, cytokines, and essential regulatory molecules. At its heart lies a unique infusion of multipotent stem cells, renowned for their remarkable ability to regenerate and rejuvenate.
Our placenta-based treatment is scientifically proven to enhance wound healing by boosting cell growth, movement, and modulation. Its unique blend also taps into a rich store of stem cell components, offering incredible anti-ageing benefits and promoting cellular renewal.
Biological and Clinical Aplications of Placental Extracts
Soothes Inflammation
Ground-breaking research by Sur and colleagues in 2003 revealed that placental extracts can significantly reduce inflammation and swelling in animal models, showcasing its potent anti-inflammatory properties.
Promotes hair growth
Kwon and colleagues (2015) tested placenta extracts on hair growth in lab mice. Their findings revealed that the extract significantly boosted the effect of minoxidil, a well-known hair growth treatment, increasing both the number and size of hair follicles, pointing to its potential as a remedy for baldness in humans.
Accelerates the healing of wounds and burns
Historically used in traditional medicine for treating burns and wounds, placental extracts have been scientifically shown to be effective. Hong et al. (2010) used a mice model to demonstrate this by creating a full-thickness skin defect and applying placental extracts. The treated group showed a significant reduction in wound size, supported by the increased activity of growth factors like TGF-β and VEGF that aid in cell proliferation and tissue re-modelling.
Inhibits bacterial and fungal growth
Placental extracts are a treasure trove of essential nutrients, including amino acids, proteins, hormones, glycosaminoglycans, nucleic acids, and polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNS), and have been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Chakraborty and Bhattacharyya (2005) found that these extracts could effectively suppress the growth of bacteria like E. coli and S. aureus, as well as fungi such as S. cerevisae, K. fragilis, and C. albicans.
Enhances health of elderly people
Kong and Park (2012) conducted a study on the effects of placental extracts on the health of elderly people. Participants more than 65 years old were randomly categorized into a placebo group and a treatment group, where they either received subcutaneous placental extracts or normal saline for a period of eight weeks. Their research showed that treatments significantly improved physical function, sexual life, and overall health perception compared to those in the placebo group – demonstrating that a placental extract regimen could improve the health of people who are of more advanced age.
Alleviates chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a subjective feeling of emptiness and lack of power that affects daily life or after work for a period of more than six months. Symptoms include memory and concentration difficulties, malaise, sore throat, muscle aches, joint pain, sleep disturbances, and headache. This study examines placental extract’s effectiveness in treating chronic fatigue in 78 subjects randomly assigned to either a control or experimental group. Subjects are either treated with placental extracts or normal saline for six weeks. Results showed that the experimental group with subcutaneous injection of placental extracts effectively improved chronic fatigue syndrome.
Relieves pain
A study by Cho and Park in 2014 explored the relief of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) using placenta extract injections at specific acupuncture points. CRPS, a disorder marked by inflammation, causes spontaneous pain, swelling, changes in skin color, and limited movement. The study’s findings were remarkable: two patients experienced significant improvements after receiving placental extract injections into acupuncture points BL23, BL24, BL25, and LR4, showing complete relief from pain, reduced swelling, fading redness, and restored joint mobility.
Aids in treatment of varicose ulcers
In a study conducted by Burgos, Herd, and Bennett in 1989, 18 patients with chronic varicose ulcers were treated with growth factors derived from placentas. Patients were randomly assigned to receive dressings either with or without these growth factors for 48 hours. The results indicated significant healing benefits: those treated with placental growth factors showed enhanced development of epithelial and granulation tissues, speeding up the healing process of their ulcers.
Efficacy and Safety of HP Placenta
Numerous clinical studies and research projects have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of placental therapy. HP Placenta is recognised as a safe therapeutic agent capable of rejuvenating, regenerating, and revitalising cells, tissues, and organs throughout the human body.
Benefits of HP Placenta
Improvement of Chronic Skin Dermatitis by HP Placenta
60 year old female diagnosed with chronic dermatitis and secondary infection, showed significant skin improvement after receiving one dosage of HP Placenta.
Male patient diagnosed with chronic dermatitis showed significant skin improvement after administration of HP Placenta.
Available in a set of:
Storage (°C)
+4°C to +16°C. Keep in a cool, dry place. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat.
General Protocol Intramuscular
2 to 3 times per week for 3-4 months. If necessary, can be administered daily for two to three weeks depending on the patient’s individual health.
Not suitable for those with the following conditions: Any fibroids, lesions, polyps, cysts, contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers; and anyone who has severe allergic to animal protein.